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Sihi Vacuum Pump Catalogue

Sihi Vacuum Pump Catalogue

Update Terakhir 30 / 06 / 2022
Minimal Pembelian 1 Unit



Detail Sihi Vacuum Pump Catalogue

PT. Sarana Teknik Indonesia menyediakan Sihi Vacuum Pump Catalogue berkulitas dan terjangkau. Cek disini untuk informasi lengkap tentang pompa vakum ini.

SIHI PUMP A liquid ring pump is a rotating positive displacement pump. They are typically used as a vacuum pump but can also be used as a gas compressor. The function of a liquid ring pump is similar to a rotary vane pump, with the difference being that the vanes are an integral part of the rotor and churn a rotating ring of liquid to form the compression chamber seal.

They are an inherently low friction design, with the rotor being the only moving part. Sliding friction is limited to the shaft seals. Liquid ring pumps are typically powered by an induction motor.

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PT. Sarana Teknik Indonesia